The story of Sylvia Mutuvi

Meet Sylvia…  She has known nothing but struggle all her life. When she was born her father insisted that her mother quit her day job to stay home and take care of their only daughter. Things became difficult when her mother was diagnosed with rheumatoid arthritis in 2013. It was so severe she became bed ridden a few weeks later. Sylvia’s father abandoned them and cut off all ties from his family. This left Sylvia’s mother with her 2 year old, a serious medical condition and no means of income.

As time passed, Sylvia’s mother’s conditioned seemed to get worse. Her family members, no longer wanted to be associated with her. People around her alienated her. She lived with help from friends who occasionally offered help. “I remember constantly asking God what I had done wrong to deserve living this life and for my daughter to experience this kind of life.”

With no means of financial income, they relied on the little they had received from well wishers, which amounted to about $2, to cater for their needs. And without money, She couldn’t receive the required medical attention for her condition. “My only Hope was and always will remain to be God” She says. When she had no money for hospital visits or medicine, she prayed to God for healing.

For 8 years Seraphine has lined with this medical condition. But when things seemed to be getting better, she could walk around and do a few things by herself, she very recently fell and broke her left leg. 

“It pains me every time, my daughter has to stay away from school or  she can’t get even the basic needs she requires, all because I am unable to provide.”

As Sylvia grew up, she had to learn to do every house chore and take care of her mother, when the time came that her mother couldn’t take care of herself. Although Sylvia goes to school, she is constantly send home because her mother is unable to pay for her school fees. Being raised in such a situation, Sylvia often experienced trauma that affected her studies, life and health. Her source of hope has always been relying on God.

Even though we’ve never had much, my mother has taught me about the love of God and this has been what I hold onto the most. I believe that I will be a doctor one day. I work hard at school and take of my mother when I’m at home with hope. I know I will change our lives and bring joy to my mother.”