Our Impact

We Believe In Making A Real Difference

Starting Where We Are!

Doing What We Can!

Using What We Have!

Glory Care Foundation did not just start overnight. It took people who were willing to make an impact even when no one was watching to begin making a difference where they were. 

Baking Vocational Training

We started a baking vocational training with the aim of giving widows, single and needy women an opportunity to learn skills and knowledge to open baking business that would enable them to earn a living to support their families and children.

Outreach Missions

Bishop Danson Atama Lokoforai  and team which are a part of the Glory Care Foundation, winning souls for Christ in the unreached areas of pastoralists communities, prisoners and youths. His mission has brought hope to many, changed lives and provided meals and necessities to the Kenyans living in remote areas 

Outreach Missions

Glory Care Foundation visit to women in Turkana to provide medical care, bibles, food and sanitary towels. This mission was also aimed to sensitizing women on gender equality how to overcome gender based violence and discrimination.