Do you want to change the life of a person living in poverty? Great. Your Support will give them a life changing opportunity through giving financial support, letter-writing and prayer connection. This provides them with spiritual, emotional, physical, academic and economical support

1. Sponsor A Child

Education sponsorship makes learning opportunities possible and empowers a child to succeed. When you sponsor a child, you pay for their monthly school fees, learning requirements, nutritious meals, exercise books and cover any minor medical emergencies that may arise. 

Once You sponsor a child, you get the opportunity to create a personal connection with him/her through email letters, video calls and even occasional visits. You gain the knowledge of another culture through the eyes of the child. You are able to impact their lives and join in their journey to a brighter future

2. Sponsor The Needy

So many people are living in extreme poverty in Kenya. By offering to Sponsor a person in need, you provide them an opportunity to receive quality life skill training and vocational training to help them create a better life for themself. This Sponsorship also helps adolescent girls, single mothers and widows to be protected from gender based discrimination and violence, and also medical support.

3. Gift Sponsorship

When you donate through gift sponsorship you’ll be putting a smile on a child persons face by giving them a gift package.  This caters for a specific need that they have, like school uniform, book package, Hygiene package, Bibles, Computers, a school desk, business assets, business grants, cosmetology items and accommodation. This is an opportunity for them to experience a personal touch with a care package

4. Join A Cause

Safe drinking water, hygiene and sanitation, health and nutrition, educational needs, safe playgrounds, medical support, agriculture, vocational training, life skill training and bible school; your donations will help a child get better access to the things he/she needs to thrive. You’ll be becoming a part of something that is bigger than yourself for the betterment of the lives of children living in poverty.

What Is Sponsorship?

When you sponsor a child living in poverty, you provide financial support to cater for what they need to be able to grow and achieve their dreams. Through Glory Care Foundation you are personally connected with a child who will know your name and treasure the thought that you care about them.

Through your support we will be able to  individually and holistically meet the needs of children living in poverty in a loving, safe community where they can learn, grow and dream.

     Your Sponsorship tells a child, “Don’t be Afraid. Be Focused. Be Determined. Be Hopeful. Be Empowered.”