Why we began?

Tassia is a slum in Nairobi aggravated with families living in poverty. People here live in immerse internal strain, creating too high social and economic problem and dependency ratio. The covid-19 pandemic hit families and children the hardest. Many families lost their only means of livelihood and many children were forced out of school. The poverty level soared leaving children without access to education, proper housing, sanitation, water, food and more.

Adolescent girls, single mothers and even widows live at a constant risk due to increased levels of gender based discrimination and sexual abuse and exploitation. Early marriages, early pregnancies and drug abuse have become rampant and threaten constantly to destroy any hope left in the community.

This provoked us to start Glory Care Foundation. We chose to start where we are, do what we could and use what we had to make a difference. We aim to give hope to the hopeless to the community of Tassia, surrounding areas and as far as we can reach. We aim to offer basic needs, formal and non-formal education to these children, vocational training for the youth, widows and single parents, Life-skill training  post gender based violence support, sexual and reproductive health sensitization and more, in order to give people the hope for bright future. All these under the Love of Christ as our way of service. Demonstrating Love and Faith.


Acts 20:35   “In everything I did, I showed you that this kind of hard work we must help the weak, remembering the words the Lord Jesus Himself said: ‘It is more blessed to give than to receive”‘

Our Mission

To give hope to the hopeless and the disadvantaged in the society, by providing vocational, formal and non-formal education to the children from porverty ridden families.

Our Vision

To enable all the disadvantaged/poor children in Tassia and neighboring areas access to basic education through improved, efficiency, quality and relevance of basic and vocational schooling.

Our Goal

Establish long-term programs, including permanent structures to improve efficiency and accelerate the expansion of the system and save our desperate young generation urban slum areas in Kenya.

1.Provide formal and Non-formal education and vocational training to the community.

2. Provide basic needs, water, proper nutrition, housing, clothing and health care to people living in extreme poverty.

3. Giving social economic support to single mothers to be self reliant through vocational school training support.

4. Provide guidance and counselling to give pyschosocial therapy to vulnerable teen girls from paedophiles.

5. Provide alternative dispute resolution methods to prevent wife battering especially amongst you couples.

6. Providing positive parenting methods aiming at helping parents embrace dialogue with handling their children especially adolescent girls.

7. Giving life skill lessons to provide teen girls with knowledge on how to respond and manage peer and economical pressure.

8. Keeping the girl child in school by giving out free sanitary towels to keep them in school regularly.

9. Offering post gender based violence victims with medical care, psychological therapy and legal support.

Meet Our Management Staff

Madam Elizabeth Kimanzi
Executive Director
Dr. Isaac Shalom
Ass. Director
Mrs. Eunice Steve
Project Manager
Bishop Patrick Maithya
Mr. Boniface Kilonzo
Miss Faith
Finance manager
Miss Mercy
Human resource personnel
Mr. Johnstone
Communications, Media and Policy